I am sitting on the green couch in my study, legs folded, concentrating in a meditative state.  Suddenly, for no apparent reason I feel the pain of fear in the pit of my stomach.  It rushes up to my heart until it is unbearable.  Heart wrenching sobs are coming involuntarily from my mouth.  My head seems to be both expanding and contracting, and I am beginning to lose the ability to clearly distinguish between reality and imagination.  I stand up holding the chair for support.  Pictures, void of any sound begin streaming into my mind, as if telling a story, they look more like baseball cards than movies.  They are coming directly at me at incredible speed from across the room, shrinking as they get closer and then entering my head through my forehead.  Unable to recognize the pictures, I sense they carry important messages but at the same time I am worried that something opened in my subconscious and my memories are spilling out.  My heart is pounding so hard I can feel the ribs in my chest vibrating.  I tell myself, ”I know I am standing in front of my desk in my study,”  but it does not help and the pictures keep coming.  What the hell is going on?  Why am I crying so hard?  The fast moving pictures are accompanied by events from my past.

         Some force has entered my mind and is replaying various childhood memories.  I wonder to myself, how do they do it? This strange, unknown energy responds to my inquiry about how those pictures are recalled by sending me an image of an old cash register being rung up with a fat cartoon like finger.  I smile a little at the image. Finally, I understand something!  They are pulling out thoughts directly from my subconscious.  The strong, vivid pictures and the accompanying strong emotions are causing me to virtually re-experience those memories as I am writing them.  The pictures seem to be teaching me, they are moving in slower motion now, claiming that the Torah and all the other scriptures are from above.  I feel waves of energy within my head flowing and ebbing, but, as hard as I try, I can’t ascertain for sure whether the pictures and the events are occurring in my mind or being screened on a large white screen in front of me.  Why am I still crying?

        “Concentrate!”  I tell myself.  Am I talking out loud or just imagining it?  I am very agitated and feel tremendous anxiety about this loss of my grip on reality.  The pain in my chest is welling up again.  I suddenly feel hurt and extremely angry.  I am sobbing again, an uncontrollable cry escapes from my mouth, “God, if you truly wrote this book, I demand to understand it on my own as if I were a man on a deserted island!”

        “Why?” asked the pictures.  I feel embarrassed, I wish I could stop wailing but the pain keeps churning within.  It begins in the pit of my stomach like a small bubble and expands as it moves through my chest exploding out of my mouth.  I keep wondering about the origin of this deep pain.  I answer still sobbing, “Because you are not my god if you wrote the scriptures for a select privileged few in society.”  The pictures flash, they understand me completely!  They understand me far beyond my words, they understand my inner most thoughts and feelings. 

I sit up on the chair; I am determined to understand them.  Damn pictures are coming at me again. I am beginning to feel better, I am more aware.  I think to myself, “Thank god I am no longer sobbing.”  The pictures flashed soothingly, lovingly, promising that my request will be satisfied.  I am very aware of the room and my place in it.  I am happy that I am in more control of my reality.  Was I very loud?  How much time has elapsed?  It feels like hours, yet it could have been just a few seconds.

        The intensity of the whole event is beginning to subside, my head is no longer reeling and I am now definitely aware that the pictures are happening in my head only.  They are no longer bigger than life.  They now seem to be concentrated on a small screen in my mind.  It feels almost like they zoom into my mind.  I am aware of the tears rolling down my face again.  The pain is gone and so is the anger.  My mouth feels very soft and salty.  There is a compartment in my mind that is observing the events, constantly trying to evaluate the experience as an outsider would, Detached from the event itself.

        What is this?  Who is this?  What the hell is happening to me?  Am I communicating with god or an alien power or is it just memories of past experiences?  Suddenly anxious and fearful, I blurt out, ”I am in the real world and I want the proof of the real world, the kind I can show others!”  My voice sounds very apprehensive and defensive and I am feeling great awe toward the pictures.  Observing myself I am amazed at how astute my request is.  Just the same, I am concerned that my statement would not appear respectful, and I want it, them or whatever, to like me.  The pictures assure me again that I will be given the proof that I asked for.  The pictures seem to be placating me and making me feel important.  My chest feels as if it has literally expanded, I feel strong and in control.  I am fully aware, I stand in front of the window, and I note the fact that the weather is cool and cloudy.  This observation seems to have grounded and calmed me further.  The pictures start again.  I am being instructed to read the Torah and other scriptures.  I am cautioned not to read any of the various religious interpretations and commentaries.

        The thought that I am being taught by them keeps reeling through my mind.  This must be some kind of religious entity, I decide.

I am feeling wise and charged, as if connected to a divine power source.  Suddenly I realize that many before me have spent lifetimes studying the Bible. I somehow communicated it by transmitting an image  of old men bent over their books, and I am well aware now that I am speaking out loud with a voice that has an uncomfortable whining quality to it, “But the book is so long it will take forever to read.”  The pictures flash again showing me that I need to read the first and second books only, and concentrate mostly on what god says.  I am shown that the whole Torah is made up of examples of do’s and don’ts – GOOD AND BAD Tov Ra god’s laws.  If I read god’s laws I would understand the whole Torah. I know this is my chance, I don’t want to spend a lifetime studying.  Can they read my mind or should I speak?  “Study the SAMEness in everything, be it religion, language or, anything else,” flashed the pictures.  Later on I found myself repeating often a summary of the teaching: “The SHEM (the WORD) is the SAME, search for the SAME.”

My mind is experiencing total joy, I know immediately that the suggestion is incredibly clever, my chest expanding, my head fills with high voltage energy.  I sense that a very concentrated tent of light is hovering over me.  I can sense the energy moving with me, radiating heart, my whole body tingles with long, very long pleasurable shudders that flow through my body in ever increasing and then ebbing waves.  I move away from the window and toward the center of the room and the tent of energy moves with me.  I feel tingles throughout my body which appear to be radiating from the tent.  The heat energy engulfs me.  I feel liquid streaming within my veins, hot and moving fast.  It gives me a sense of strength, I feel literally charged with energy.  I bask in the light which is now emanating the tingle energy.  The sensation is pleasurable, I don’t want them to stop.  My mind is unable to form any thought except “WOW!”  I wonder if this is really caused by the tent of light over me or is it simply something my body is producing.  One very long and especially delicious tingle goes through my entire body and then it slowly disappears, the energy is no longer in the room.  Upon their leaving it was said to me, “It’s from the light.”  I knew it!  It is gone and I am along now.  I am thoroughly spent but relaxed and I wipe my eyes, look into a mirror, wonder if anyone heard me cry out.  I open the study door hesitantly at first and realise the no one is in the house.  I proceed back into the study, sit down and open the Torah.

The intensity of emotion during my first telepathic experience is still quite vivid.  Today, over 15 years later, I can still relive the event.  The picture resolution of the visual memory is exceptional and highly charged with emotions.  In retrospect, all my telepathic communications involved acute emotional peaks and valleys.  In any event, I was continuously in a highly vulnerable emotional state.  My nature is to look for the humorous in every situation and so most communications ended up with something that put a smile on my face regardless of how sad or scary the subject at hand.  A humorous kind of ending became a signature for the end of the communication.

The nature of my telepathic communication was such that I was never completely sure of many of my conclusions.  This method of communication left me with the illusion that I am able to practice critical thinking, as well as, exercise free choice.  It also was a very effective technique of keeping me hungry for more information.

The information received came in the form of pictures.  This meant that my mind needed to translate the pictorial data into words.  I hated this uncertainty more than anything, but it is also the reason that kept me looking of more links, more answers, more pieces to the puzzle.

I am sharing my knowledge in book form rather than public speaking which is something I am far more comfortable with because I was “advised” to do so. 



Imagination is not so far removed from telepathy.  A flash of pictures with an accompanying flash of wisdom and understanding can be experienced without any of us being able to differentiate between our imagination and a telepathic message.  The simple reason I knew I was contacted is because they wanted me to know.  It was as I later realised also part of the teaching that allowed me to experience language as the communication of pictures from the mind of one person to others. I later realized that the light talks to all of us all the time. It communicates with our subconscious which then is transmitted to the conscious brain. It is the reason the subconscious hears far better than the conscious brain.

At that time I was proficient enough in Torah to be able to cite incidents that prove that the Torah was written as the book of knowledge, and would argue continually about the Torah with other people.  I recognised the fact that the Torah’s laws of reciprocity are correct:  AN EYE FOR AN EYE.  A rabbi once asked me if I meant that literally, that if you blind a person you ought to be blinded yourself.  When I answered, “Yes,” he said angrily that god did not intend it literally, and that in any case we ought to adapt the laws to suit contemporary society.  This Rabbi and all religious leaders don’t seem to understand the obvious. God isn’t a magician; God is a scientific light Entity who wrote all DNA programs. He decreed Eye for eye because it is the proper punishment to balance the energies. He decreed killing a rapist and a murderer in order to protect the future of the human race. If we don’t want murderers and rapist in our society we need to eliminate their DNA from the genetic pool. All religious leaders didn’t understand the Torah and mis-explained it. It is the reason I was forbidden from reading all interpretations, they are literally all wrong…it took me 30 years to realized that regardless how right I am its against all religious institutions and will never be accepted…I am doomed to be wrong regardless howe right I am.

Never a religious person, I attended synagogue only on High Holy days and considered the ritual to be social rather than religious - an affirmation of group identity rather than faith.  My father was traditional but not observant, moral in the biblical sense, but did not keep an orthodox home.  I had been to synagogue with him perhaps half a dozen times in my entire life, a fact that emphasises the radical nature of my next decision.  I crossed the unseen line from non-believer to believer.  I was willing to affirm daily, the existence of god(s).

I began laying tefilim (a prayer box and strips of leather).  A friend showed me how to tie them up.  He also provided a page that I needed to recite.  I glued it to the wall in my dressing room at home and proceeded to practice the ancient ritual.  Now, ten years later this page is still glued inside my book case.  One day I argued with someone that the act of putting on tefilim was meaningless and superficial, he then asked me, “How do you know?  Did you try it?”  I reasoned that experience is the only teacher, I could no longer theories as to what it is that motivates a religious Jew or a religious person of any other faith to adhere to a certain daily ritual to please an unseen god.  I even argued that a god who is so concerned with being praised is not the kind of god I would choose.  Just the same, I suddenly felt I needed to pray in order to experience first-hand what I had long judged to be a hypocritical and useless ritual.

In retrospect, these seemingly monumental decisions that I made do not seem to be anything but manipulations to maneuver me towards the information trial using a very chartered and predestined path.

I asked myself over and over again whether I was hallucinating or seeing holograms, I cannot adequately describe how intensely I concentrated on this, after all, the experience seemed real to me.  These external symptoms of tanned skin and surging energy bolstered my conclusion that I was dealing with an actual entity rather than something that has been pre-recorded in my mind and is now surfacing.

The Gandhi classes

I have a bachelor’s degree in business but when Gandhi came to San Francisco to teach a religious PHD class, I asked to join as anon credit student. After conversation with him, he agreed. Before Professor Gandhi started each lecture, we held a moment of meditation.  Early on in his lecture it was clear that he felt that the Hindu religion was superior to all others.  In his first class he proposed discussing only Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.  He did not plan to discuss Judaism.  When I raised this point he said with what I took to be a condescending smile, “I am glad your thoughts are with us.”  I was upset.  I remember thinking that this man was acting out the role of Hindu sage.  The truth is that I prejudged him almost from the outset.  He was brought from London to teach a University course but was wearing a patched pair of pants and sporting a cloth bag instead of a briefcase.  I thought he was a phony and I took his comment as a declaration of war.  His lectures bothered me to no end.  I had expected him to confirm the teaching of his grandfather Mahatma Gandhi, who in his memoirs said that after reading the scriptures of all major religions he concluded that all religions were basically the same.  I confronted Professor Gandhi, telling him that I was upset that the course did not address Judaism and Hinduism as being the origins of the eastern and western religions and finished my retort by asking if he knew what Gandhi had said about all religions being the same.  He answered smiling forgivingly, “Mahatma Gandhi said so, but of course, he did not mean it literally.”  I had read Gandhi’s autobiography and several other books about him and admired him greatly, viewing him as a modern day Moses.  I knew that honesty and truth were the pillars of Gandhi’s beliefs.  My whole view of the world was being challenged.  In those days it took very little to incite me, I was poised and ready to do battle.

Going to class again was a strange experience.  I sat in front of Professor Gandhi, a theologian whose teachings were based on the superiority of Hinduism.  I argued with him and gave him examples from the Torah to match his examples.  I attacked his position by showing the similarity between Judaism and Hinduism.  It got to the point that Professor Gandhi would take a meditative stance, close his eyes and allow me to talk.  He would react visibly to what I said, his face would contort.  People would come up to me and say, “You know you are deeply affecting him.”  I was embarrassed because I felt that I was interrupting the class.  I was sure that he would stop me from talking but in all fairness to the man he encouraged me to voice my opinions.  It got to the point where I wanted to apologise and tell him I would stop interrupting him.  On the way to his desk, three students thanked me for providing them with another, western point of view they hadn’t hear before.  I made a U-turn back to my seat and decided that I ought to continue on the same path.

The Professor always let me continue.  I felt that he was being taught through me, not by me.  One day a student tried to stop me and Gandhi told him, “Everyone has a right to be a prophet.”  I felt that he took my words to be directed at him, as if he understood their source was beyond me.  I was much more careful with my words after this incident.  Seven, three-hour classes later Gandhi actually addressed me publicly in class asking me to declare a truce.  He felt we were truly locked in a battle of which religion is superior while the class was supposed to deal with all religions.  Eventually, I realised that the information I possessed was so powerful that he must have instinctively responded to my words which affected some of his very deeply held religious beliefs.

During one of the last lectures he happened to write the word BRAHMA ברהם א .  In a flash of light suddenly I saw the word ABRAHAM written in Hebrew, words of white light.  The word Brahma then flashed and I recognized something that had been in front of me all along.

I stopped the lecture, went to the board and with an arrow showed how by moving the letter A in Brahma to the front of the word it would read Abraham.  Then I asked with a triumphant smile, “Could the sons of Abraham and the sons of Brahma have any connection?”

This was the first time that the language key had been introduced to me.  I immediately assumed that these words and others exist within the scriptures of other religions, left there as a footprint in the sand to prove to the world at a later date that all religions were written by one god and that we humans had yet to understand them correctly.  Professor Gandhi burst my bubble when he replied with certainty, “Experts have already checked this and found no connection.”  I recall responding, “Belief is a choice and I choose to believe there is a connection between the sons of Brahma and the sons of Abraham.”  There was a man sitting to my right, an observer from the university that happened to be sitting in the class, he began to clap then others joined him.  I was amazed and proud of my answer.  It did not sound like the me that I knew, it sounded like the me I aspired to be.

I recognized that I had received what I had asked for!  Real proof of a higher power.  I was elated.  I was euphoric.  I talked about it to everyone and anyone who would listen.  I even talked to people who didn’t want to listen.  I was tremendously excited that entire day, drunk with the sense of lightness that awareness creates.

        I decided to read the Torah in Hebrew. Up to this point I read everything in English because I couldn’t understand the Hebrew. I began strangely enough reading the book of Psalm.

Opening the book I felt very strange.  My heart was pumping hard, I was about to cry, and I had a premonition that something momentous was about to take place.  It was similar to deja vu, as if I had seen the writing in the book before, long ago, as if I had rediscovered an old friend.  Emotions welled up in my chest, and I felt a strong sense of longing, as if something I had missed greatly had suddenly appeared.  I asked Effie to leave because I needed to be alone.  He understood and left the room smiling as if to say, “I know what is going to happen.”  I felt very strange.  I stood in the center of the room facing the bay window.  I opened the book of Psalms.

“Ashre ha-each.”  I begin reading ASHER LO HALAH BEAZAT RESHAIM WEBEDEREH HATEEM LO AMAD WEBEMOSHAVE LATZIM LO YASHAVE KI IM BETORAT YEH...(The first verse in the book of Psalms).  I can’t finish saying “Yehowa”.  My mouth opens in a strange gasp.  It’s all coming at me at once, the feelings, the pictures, the presence of an almighty power, a great encompassing light that feels like an orgasmic electricity pumping in my heart and through my veins.  The energy is unseen yet awe inspiring.  I somehow fall to my knees in front of the window expecting god to make a grand entrance.   As I kneel, my head touches the floor, and I feel compelled to stay prostrate on my knees.  Crying and gasping, a blindingly fast series of pictures appears before me depicting each of the heroes of the Bible and what they had done.  The pictures stretch back to Adam and stop at Moses.  They have the same vivid quality as the other pictures received many years earlier.  My ears pop and my senses are heightened and I feel as if I am going to be anointed at any moment.  I am on my knees crying and receiving information, for what feels like an eternity.

I am certain that I am kneeling before a presence, an unseen force sending a myriad of vivid pictures.  This force is continually reinforcing the fact that I am being handed information of paramount importance - that I had been chosen, elected, or even as if I had won some contest. I was then told that all languages are made up of Hebrew letter words…positive is made up of 3 hebrew words Po0Si-Tive meaning Here-This-Good. I was shown few other words on a white screen that were all clear hebrew but yet, no one noticed. Later I realized that it is because we believe language evolved from animal sounds and therefore assumed that the smallest part of language is a word. God inserted language in Adam and then asked him to name everything? It’s ought to be clear but it isn’t, god inserted letters and asked Adam to combine them into words. To understand god we need to decode language using letter meaning. Then…the bible becomes a scientific book.

I found myself in front of a large number of heads. I was able to see literally thousands of heads from the eyes on up.  These heads appear to represent spirits or entities responsible for the running of the world and that these spirits reside in all of us.  The sea of heads represents these thinking spirits and they are giving me a mission.  They listen to my speech accepting the knowledge of the language.  I thank them and promise to handle this knowledge to the best of my ability.  I am immediately aware of how petty I must sound.  They laugh which I take to mean that I was overdoing it.  It all feels like an initiation into some sort of grand club.  The emotional intensity of facing all those heads frightens me and fills me with awe….

Although I am conscious, I can’t be certain whether the events appear on a screen in front of me or in my mind.  I know it has to be happening inside my head, but experientially, I cannot determine if it is internal or external.  I seem to be drifting in and out of awareness and swiftly enough to remain unsure.  Despite the doubts, I am aware that this is the strangest, longest, most intense and heart-wrenching “receiving” experience I have ever had.  It is scaring the hell out of me.  I do not want to do this ever again.  I feel the power of god; I feel I am in the presence of something supremely powerful and omnipotent.  I finish speaking to the group and my speech is accepted by the group of heads.  There is an energy connection between all the heads and me.  I feel a little calmer.  I am shown faces of people I have hurt in the past, the faces are of both dead and living acquaintances.  I apologies to each one and am forgiven.  I feel cleansed of all emotional baggage.

As I return to full awareness the pictures and the feelings disappear.  Suddenly I am alone and crying my heart out, draining years of repressed pain.  I sense that my voice changed, that it has magical powers and I should, of course, go to Israel. As you might have noticed I seem to cry a lot. It was very cleansing.


The experience was so incredibly potent, that I could not come down.  I simply “lost it” for a period of a few hours.  I couldn’t calm down, and it was impossible to designate clear lines between reality and imagination.  This is the one experience that I always refer to in my mind when I think of “the experience."  It was so intense that I was uncomfortable even thinking of it.  Now that the intense emotions have subsided I can describe it from a safe distance, through the fog of time.

In my first encounter I was also told that when it comes to the human race”  is  ‘a sad state of affairs’. I experienced a deep sadness. I was shown a very sad experience I had years ago. I experience the ‘sad’. Then I forgot it again almost immediately. I was then instructed  to look at the opposite of all our current beliefs, I thought it was stupid to think that everything is upside down, I called the process ‘Bimkloob’ meaning ‘upside down’ in Arabic (mother tongue), it seems it took me forever to figure out what the opposite is. This book is the result of thinking ‘Belmakloob’. P.s one of my favorite dishes is ‘Maklooba’ a rice, chicken, eggplant dish that one turns upside down when cooked. So, Was life created by accident or by a DNA computer? Is killing a murder and a rapist as the bible decrees right or wrong? Is affirmative action right or wrong?

In conclusion: we all need to accept that

The difference between god and university professors is that god doesn’t walk around pretending to be a university professor.


One thing that saved me from losing my sanity during the months of receiving the telepathic messages was a vision of an old thin man.  This man spoke with the funniest accent and had a superb sense of humour.  Every sentence that he uttered was both witty and charming.  He definitely understood me, in fact, the old man was me.  Years later my Aunt described my grandfather and it sounded like that old man.  I was fully aware that this was a character that I was creating or inviting, knowing that his role was to entertain me and keep me from madness.  By January 1990, I just had to find a way to stop thinking, I was exhausted emotionally and no new information was forthcoming.

The explosive nature of the information I received through telepathic communication obviously turned my understanding of the universe upside down.  I could no longer think about a career, only of working on my writing until it was published.  While gathering material it was tempting to subscribe to the Hindu teaching that one ought to try to do the best one can and enjoy the journey itself, rather than concentrating on the fruits of one’s labour.  This philosophy was fine while I was receiving and learning.  From within the light, the work not the results seemed important.  However, once the light had faded I could not measure the work without its rewards.

        When I was receiving messages I imagined myself being lifted and placed high on a tree.  I was allowed to pick the various fruits, until I got dizzy from the height and came down to the real world.  I needed a ladder to help me climb higher and then come down safely off the tree.  The ladder enabled me to soar with my imagination.  My ladder was simply the words.  I would recite English words I had already deciphered, “END, AND, SCHOOL, SKILL, etc.”  I wouldn’t stop until I felt grounded.  This exercise calmed me down.  This ladder might not seem like an important tool, but for me it was a life saver.  Sometimes, during the most active reception, I would think about the teachings every moment.  I would undergo self imposed reality checks.  Those checks were something I needed to do 5 and sometimes 10 times a day.  In retrospect I am always surprised that I survived the ordeal.


        Finally, I recognised that this lesson was the ultimate test between being spiritual in the sense that I trusted my own thoughts and reasoning as opposed to what the experts, our new gods had to say.  The lesson is of faith, not faith in god necessarily.  In my case it was not the faith that there is a higher power, that much was obvious to me.  Belief is a choice, one chooses to believe in something or someone.  Once I experienced receiving information I no longer had the option of choosing to believe.  To deny the existence of a higher power required that I deny personal experiences, to negate what happened to mere figment of my imagination.  Where did I need faith then?  I needed faith to trust my thoughts, my mind, myself.

        When I was told for the first time to use Hebrew as a decipher for English and all other languages, I thought that the idea was ludicrous.  I assumed that even if it was true the resulting explanation would be too esoteric and convoluted to be understandable.  I grew up speaking both Hebrew and English and I never saw any connection whatsoever between them.  No scientist or linguist has made such a claim.  There must be some illogical explanation I thought, otherwise the language experts would have discovered the connection already.  “The experts must already know about this,” was probably the most repeated statement I heard from people when I presented my theory about the origin of language.

        Today, after deciphering literally thousands of words I never cease to be amazed at the wisdom within the language and wonder to how many levels that wisdom extends.

        When the deciphering method was revealed to me, I was experiencing real, direct communication.  Although awesome in its impact I was always aware that I was in the presence of some great and revealing truth.  So, it took literally very few examples before I was convinced.  Eventually, I found that ten or even one hundred words wouldn’t be enough to convince others.  When god revealed himself to Moses and told him, “Go tell my people...”  Moses replied that he had no problem with believing and accepting that god sent him, but he contended that without a clear sign from god the people of Israel might not have the same faith. 

        Eventually, I decided that clear, significant proof ought to consist of one-thousand words.  I admit that the decision on the number one-thousand was because of the symbolism of the number more than any other factor.  The Hebrew word ALEPH has the numerical value of 1,000 and the letter/word stands for the god ELOHIM who I understand to mean the god of thought and therefore, speech.  Finally, the word ALEPH when broken down to two words reads EL-EPH = GOD SPEECH.  I also felt that a thousand words would be a large enough sample to convince anyone that this is a serious claim as to the origin of language.  I ended up with a larger dictionary without any major effort, and after a while I stopped adding words because I did not feel I was capable or particularly interested in designing and dictionary.  This book aims to provide only the KEYS to a library of knowledge.



This is about a new decoder that proves the lost book of Tho wasn’t really lost but was renamed and given to the Israelites as Torah. Using this new decoder we can finally understand what the Torah really says.

o      I didn’t tell anyone about those communication for the first 10  years, I was concern people will call me crazy, I know I would have. But, unfortunately I ended up losing my job and chasing god’s word, but since I didn’t tell anyone I was labeled lazy and weird and other not so nice labels. To be sure god paid me. At the age of 54 I had no money nor a job, I became a commercial r.e. broker and am today a retired multi-millionaire. I had incredible luck, I feel I got paid…Mazal or Maz-El means Trick God in Hebrew.  No other hebrew speaker will tell you that because none ccut words

o      I was given a system to decode Languages, it will reveal that all scientific information is in the language and all other myths and religions.

o      , I was taking a PHD religious class in San Francisco with the grandson of Gandhi. I have a bachelor degree in business but I asked him to sit on the class as a none credit student and we talked and he agreed. He talked about the Hindu religion, he loved his guru and thought the Hindu religion contains everything and mixed some Christian values . He ignored Judaism though Christianity is based on the Jewish Bible. Of course I took the Bible position, at one point he got upset when he told the class that one can feel the energy of a really holy man when one is in his presence, I told him that the highest holy man like Moses wouldn’t want people in his presence to feel inferior, he got upset like I insulted his guru and said …it’s too much. It was clear to all he was affected. I felt bad, In the break I decide to go and apologize for disrupting the class. But 3 students asked me to continue making my Bible points. I turned around and sat. In retrospect I am sure they were Jewish

o      Encouraged I asked Gandhi  if Brahma is Related to Abraham, explaining: that their name is almost identical actually Brahma is Abraham if one moves the A and they are both married to Sara. Gandhi replied with an  emphatic  no!  and added it’s ‘it’s only in your mind’. It was clear I shook him up but I couldn’t help it and gave him the best answer I had ever given anyone, it wasn’t something I would ever say naturally, but I did, I said Belief is a choice and I chose to believe. The class actually clapt and I was kinda shocked about my answer. That night in a very weird ceremony with what  seems like hundreds  of eyes were participating, staring at me, I was told that all languages are made up of Hebrew letter combinations. I didn’t really  believe I would get a normal explanation so I actually change the subject. I told god I was upset with him because he seems to tell few people what he meant making them deflacto our gods. I was then  told all biblical interpretation are wrong and not sanctioned by god. That the entire Talmud is not sanctioned by god. All the explanations of what god meant to say if he was smarter and could write clearer are flat out wrong. I was shocked!! It shut me up.

o      I knew that it  is impossible that all languages are made up of Hebrew and said that I don’t want some esoteric convoluted explanation but one I can show others. I don’t know where all my arguing came from. I suspect I was preprograms because none of what I said seemed like my kind of words. Then I was shown a light screen with English words broken down to letters and I will always remember the first word:  PoSiTive with arrow to 3 Hebrew words Po-si-Tive meaning HereThisGood, a word all Israelis including me use everyday  is made up of 3 clear Hebrew words meaning HereThisGood. it is obvious Hebrew but not one  of the millions of Israelis noticed. I was then shown few more words   and they all had clear Hebrew meaning. Sorry became the Hebrew Tzary meaning sorry or sorrow. Be-lieve became In-Heart. Color became Col-Or meaning Voice Light. Culminating with the word Euphemism written in Hebrew as Yafe-Mishem which literally means Prettier than it Name’ I was in shock and couldn’t tell if any of it really happened Because the experience was beyond dramatic,  it shook me up and scared the …out of me. I thanked the eyes  for the honor bestowed on me, but I guess I overdid it because at one point they all laughed. It broke the tension. To be clear I was awake for the entire experience. When they were talking about us humans, they clearly were not happy with us, I was told ‘it’s a sad state  of affairs’ I was shown A very sad experience from my past that I have long forgotten, I experienced the answer, I relived that same sad. Then it went away and I didn’t remember the experience within minutes of receiving it. I was very fearful, I thought  I am having a nervous breakdown, that my brain was spilling, I was then shown an old ornate register and a fat finger pressing on one of the keys. I understood, they can cull out my  memory files, they, god,  can read our recorded memories while we are recording everything that happen to us we can’t read them but god can.  It was clear the subconscious is gods computer. I calmed down. But later when I thought about it I was upset that we hear what god wants up to hear and see what the subconscious wants us to see… the loss of privacy was very upsetting. I was always shook up after every experience.

o      Not all information was given that way. Actually I was shaken after every experience, it ruined days for me, I wandered what happen to having a positive calming god experience. I complained and it stopped. I began receiving in my sleep.

 Steven Pinker, the author invests a great deal of effort to show what he believes to be the difference between thinking and speech.  He cites several examples of major discoveries made as a result of picture-type thinking rather than speech-thinking.  Mr. Pinker says that many people claim to think in images.  Adding that many creative people insist that in their most inspired moments they do not think with words but in mental images.  The originator of our modern conception of electric and magnetic fields, Michael Faraday had no formal training in mathematics and arrived at his insights by visualising lines of force as narrow tubes curving through space.  James Clerck Maxwell, who formalised the concepts of electromagnetic fields, set down the equations only after mentally playing with elaborate imagery models of sheets and fluids.  Nikola Tesla’s idea of the electric motor and generator, Frederich Kekule’s discovery of the Benzene ring that kicked off modern chemistry Ernest Lawrence’s conception of cyclotron, James Watson’s and Francis Crick’s discovery of the DNA double helix, all came to them in images.  The cognitive psychologist, Roger Shepard had a sudden visual inspiration that he experienced just when he awoke, of a three-dimensional image majestically turning in space, which led him to his various experiments.  The most famous self-described visual thinker is Albert Einstein, who arrived at some of his insights by imagining himself riding a beam of light.


o      For example, One day I walked down the stairs and was suddenly certain that modern Latin letters are ancient original Hebrew. I remember this because i  never considered nor studied letters, had no interest in letters. I even forgot the current Hebrew letters were Aramaic.

o      I looked it up, after 5 minutes research  it turns  out to be true. I found a table that showed that ancient Hebrew writing looked like Latin written from left to right and in different angles. It finally explained why Hebrew-was written for left handed people, the plan was always to convert it to Latin written for right handed people.

o      All this indicates mind manipulation by god. He somehow convinced the Israelis to change the original Hebrew letters, not the Hebrew meaning to Aramaic and somehow destroyed all bibles etc written in ancient Hebrew, and then introduced ancient Hebrew as new language called Latin. Why bother? All permanent words, formulas had to be written in ‘the writing is the writing of god’ the subconscious, gods computer only understands Hebrew.


o      This began 40 years ago.  I have been chasing it for the past 40 years. It took that long to figure all of this. I was so impressed with what the decoding says, about what language revealed, I wrote everything trying to convince the reader that god created language and had to control every new word we create so it has Hebrew meaning.

o      That explanation didn’t impress many because the ideas were kind too esoteric (mambo Jambo about letters and numbers. Also, the biblical are today opposite to everything we believe.  I couldn’t convince many that god actually controls and communicates with the subconscious, that we are all computers, that god is a scientific light entity.  According to god Affirmative action is wrong according to god and the criminal justice system was wrong because it protects the criminal at the expense of victim and society, the biblical system of ‘Victim justice system is currently rejected by all. All agree god was wrong, too harsh. Consequently  the reader was not willing to accept it as truth (Torah). Over 100,000 people visited the website over the years and I have yet to receive a single letter criticising my work. My information is unarguable but yet unbelievable, after all as my brother asked: you mean you are right and the entire world is wrong? When I answered :Yes, he concluded that I have vision of grandeur, maybe I did when all this began, but today 40 years later it’s a side job. I am trying to pass it on, to give it away but maybe the answer it to publish it? It will be more believable. People tend to judge the source more than the actual information. If I was a biblical scholar or linguist professor my findings would be earth shaking but I am not.

I had Einstein picture on my wall, I couldn’t  explain why now. And then ‘it just came to me’ We all get those messages the ones we explain as : It’s just came to me. Those messages are from god who told the subconscious to tells me. The subconscious is in effect gods computer. That’s the reason it hears better than the conscious brain.

I replaced E=MC2. And got CMC and it hit me like a ton of bricks, it spelled the word CMC meaning Sun in Hebrew, Einstein simply spelled the word Sun. Each Hebrew letter has a numerical value Shin has the value of 300 and guess what, so is the C representing the speed of light in the formula.

Einstein never measured the speed of light but many others did, they all came up with 300 millón per second, I am certain it ‘just came’ to Einstein to conclude that the speed of light must be constant, others who measured it didn’t want to conclude it’s constant because they all knew the harder you push something the faster it will travel and it ‘just came to him to go with C for the speed of light instead of the more natura L otherwise it wouldn’t spell Sun in Hebrew. The M in the formula is for mass or for Hydrogen in case of the Sun which is Mayman. Cmc is as the word Sun is what a 3 years old boy learns and  at 13 he learn it is a formula of how the sun makes energy.

I then tried the only other Formula I knew.  H2O. 2 hydrogens and one Oxygen. As we saw above hydrogen is represented by the letter M for Mayan. MYM is the Hebrew word for water. The two M represent the 2 Hydrogen. The O  is represented by Y in MyM. Y represent Yhwh- God whose sacred number (the total sum of the letters spelling his name is 26)

Oxygen is the 8th element with two orbits of 2-6 electron or yhwh.

It all just came to me in matter of seconds, I remember even today how many wows I kept  saying. everyone experiences ‘it just came to me’. Word of caution we get good and bad advice, the free choice we have is to chose or reject the suggestion. This alone should be convincing that god left information in language. But…the facts don’t confuse anyone, no one changes their set of beliefs because of some facts, most ignore the facts instead.



I am now going to try a different approach. I will explain what the Bible really says. I will show how wrong all interpretation is. I hope and believe that most people can relate to Bible stories while it seems all the magic I do with language, all this mambo Jambo about words and numbers is not relatable to most. I love numbers but most people don’t feel that way.  

The Torah explains how god created the universe and that aliens who landed here and changed our DNA but it is all there if one knows the code. In other words chap 1 covers creation which according to the Torah started after the Big Bang 14 billion years ago while chap 2 begins when the aliens landed on earth and changed our genes creating modern man which is around 350,000 years ago. Science has recently proved that the Y ch

There are three not 1 creator  gods they are hinted at twice when god says let us create a man and later let us go down, they converted matter from energy, the Egyptian called them NTR , the initials of the gods NoonThoRa. Those gods are called Anu Enki and Enlil. Their Egyptian Names  means Guardians in Hebrew. Those light entities came from Sumar which also means Guardian in Hebrew.  They are the NaTuRe gods, also represented by the numbers ONE-ANU TWO-THO.   THREE-TOROH.   ToRAH is then TRUe



 They converted energy to matter and then programmed everything to live using a DNA computer. They decided how long each organism lives and how each organism behaves all programmed in our DNA to rule over all life. Or as the book of John claims ‘and the word (DNA programs) Was god’. That sounds strange but it is self evident everything is programmed by 4 DNA letters.

They programmed us and are communication with us constantly by talking to our subconscious. We aren’t aware of it because the subconscious hears far better than the conscious brain by design! The hints are all in names and numbers. The subconscious is 86% of the brain, the word Elohim is numerically 86.

Here goes