This is the first and only bona-fide Origin-of-Language theory offered by anyone anywhere anytime. With 3000 words as supporting evidence it is statistically indisputable prove of intelligent design.
The following is a summary from the Hamafteh, The Key, published in Israel in 97.
I wrote this last minute in 1997 as a response to a challenge by my then Israeli agent, who felt that my arguments were not convincing because I can only do few words here and there….
I then had less than Aleph, 1000 words in my dictionary. But I thought it was enough to make my point...except no one noticed. I then thought maybe 2600 words...
My current dictionary contains 3000 words, it makes the odds that this is accidental at more than 1 billion to one. I deciphered Enough words to understand 80% of Shakespeare or the Bible.
I can be ignored...but no individual, school, or university can assemble even a reasonable argument to disprove the evidence, to show that my 3000 examples are accidental or anecdotal.
I always say: su-spec-t (ze safec =this in doubt) and In-spec-t (ain safec=no doubt). Only then one might get res=spec-t (re sippok = see satisfaction).
Each word of the 120 unique words in text below is deciphered (da sipoor = know story)
Accident or Design?
Summary with every word decoded
"I believe I can positively assure you that the original source of human speech was ordained. This claim is based on a series of lessons I received in the form of Kabbalistic visions revealing to me that Hebrew was inserted into our DNA and later confounded. To summarize, an advanced civilization probably from the Pleiades, which are the six stars in Taurus, was directed by god to alter our DNA, installing speech into homo sapiens thus creating Cro-Magnon. Cro-Megan An meaning Called From-Garden-God . We are also known as Homo Sapiens. The word Sapie-N means Speaking from the Hebrew word Sapha. The S.P sound also appears in the word Speech. the Hebrew word S.P. means Word.Mouth while the word Ech means Man. Thus Speech means Word-Mouth-Man
Two rules were used in creating other languages:
1) changing the vowels while keeping the consonants the same.
2) describing the same picture from differing views.
This deciphering procedure begins with visualising or writing a word without any vowels or diacritical marks. Then, Hebrew vowels are added in search for a matching picture/word.
Admittedly, the dilemma this theory presents is a difficult one. First, it requires doubting many presently acceptable theories and beliefs about our origins. Also, the task of deciphering is difficult to visualise because it involves using different kinds of perceptual skills. I am aware there are only two alternative decisions about the value of the evidence in this manuscript: chance or design. Either the evidence is due to chance, and therefore invented by me. Or, the evidence is sufficient to imply design. A conclusion that calls for re-examining our theories about the origin of language and humans.
In all candour, when I began searching for a real god I did not suspect that I would end up with an etymology lesson, at the end of which a 6,000 year old secret about our true ancestors would be uncovered. I pray this discovery will aid civilisation in our spiritual endeavour for peace on earth."
The same thing below with each word deciphered
I believe I can positively assure you that the original source of human speech was ordained.
Hebrew English decipher
בלב be-lieve in heart
כן can yes
פה זה טוב po-si-tive here this good
אישור assure confirm, approve
אור גן אל ori-gin-al god’s garden light
שורש source root
היו מאן hu-man from where are they
שפה איש spe-ech man’s speech
אז was = then; in the past
אור דן or-dain = light judged
This claim is based on a series of lessons I received in the form of Kabbalistic visions revealing to me that Hebrew was inserted into our DNA and later confounded.
Hebrew English decipher
קול אם claim voice mother
בסיס basis base
שורה series row
לשון lesson tongue; language
ראה הישיב re-ceive see it run
קיבל kabalah receivership
בהה שין vi-sion viewed the word
ראה בו אל re-ve-al see a god in it
עין שורתו in-sert in line
בפנים ב עין in in the eye(center)of
דן א dna the judgement of god
לאט late slow
כאן פה ענד con-fo-und here mouth tied up
To summarize, an advanced civilization from the Pleiades, which are the six stars in Taurus, was directed by god to alter our DNA, installing speech into homo sapiens thus creating Cro-Magnon.
Hebrew English decipher
שמר summary guarded
עודד בינה זה ad-van-ce this adds wisdom
שביל civil path
פה לי עד p-lei-ades speech my witness
שש six six
תורה עשה taurus torah he made
אז was then; in the past
הדרכתו direc-t direct
הגיד god tells you what to do
אלתר alter alter
עין שתל in-stall planted in
שפין sapien speaks
קרא את create called out a to z (all)
קראו מגן א cro-magn-on = guarded
Two rules were used in creating other languages:
1) Changing the vowels while keeping the consonants the same.
2) Describing the same picture from differing views.
This deciphering procedure begins with visualising or writing a word without any vowels or diacritical marks. Then, Hebrew vowels are added in search for a matching picture/word.
Hebrew English decipher
רועה אל rule a shepherd god
עשוי use made
קרא את cre-ate called out a to z (all)
לן הדיג language thought dormant within
גע שינה chan-ge touched by change
כפה keep to hold forcefully
בו אל vow-el a god in it
כאן שיננת consonants here memorise
שם same the name (god’s)
דע זכר בו de-scri-be know the memory in it
פי כ שור pi-c-ture speech like a bull
דע פער di-ffer know the difference
בהה view stared
דע סיפור de-cipher know the story
פה ראה סידור p-ro-cedure here an arrangement
בגן begin in the garden
אור דע word know light
דע קריאה תכל dia-cri-tical know for easy reading
מרח mark smeared
עוד add more
שירש search rooted out
עמית mate mate; friend
Admittedly, the dilemma this theory presents is a difficult one. First, it requires doubting many presently acceptable theories and beliefs about our origins. Also, the task of deciphering is difficult to visualise because it involves using different kinds of perceptual skills.
Decipher words decipher
עןד אמת ad-mit add truth
כ שפיטה ac-cept like a judgement
קול אם claim voice of a mother
הדף קליטה diffi-cult pushes back understanding
ראה שין rea-son see the word;spirituality
ראה עיקר re-quire see the essence
דעות doubt opinion
תיאור theory description
דע פער di-ffer know the gap
פרי שפיטה per-cept(ual) fruit of judgement
השכיל skill acquired knowledge
בלב be-lieve in my heart
עובדה נשא evide-nce carries facts
פריס נת prese-nt gave prize
מין זכר פה אות manu-scri-pt kind of memory of speech in letter
שלי פה self here mine; my speech
I am aware there are only two alternative decisions about the value of the evidence in this manuscript: chance or design. Either the evidence is due to chance, and therefore invented by me. Or, the evidence is sufficient to imply design. A conclusion that calls for re-examining our theories about the origin of language and humans.
Hebrew English decipher
ער aware aware
אלתר נטיב alter-native changed path
דע צד de-cide know which side
בו עליו va-lue in it its worth
עובדה נשא evide-nce carries facts
מין זכר פה אות manu-scri-pt kind of memory of speech in letters
זה נס cha-nce this is a miracle
דע ציון de-sign know who marked it
עין בנה את invent see it build
זה פייס sufficient this appeases
אפל imply murky
כאן כלו דעה conclude here jailed an opinion
קול calls voice
איזה מין examine what kind
לן הגיג language dormant within thought
In all candour, when I began searching for a real god i did not suspect that i would end up with an etymology lesson, at the end of which a 6,000 year old secret about our true ancestors would be uncovered. I pray this discovery will aid civilization in our spiritual endeavor for peace on earth.
Hebrew English decipher
(ב)עין in in the eye (the center)
כ נדר ca-ndor like and oath
ב גן be-gin in the garden
שירש search sourced out
ראה אל real see a god
זה ספק ת su-spect this doubtful
ענד end all tied up
ענד and tied together
א-ת מילה לוגי etymology a to z; a language log
לשון lesson tongue; language
תורה true torah
אן שש שור(תור) an-ces-tor i am of six of the bull
אינו קבור un-cover it is unburied
(לתת) יד aid spiritual
ספירות אל spiritual emanation of god
עיין (ב) דבר endeavor to study it
פייס peace appease
ארץ earth earth
What are the chances the above 11 words are accidental? What are the chances that 3000 words just like the ones above are accidental.
How could millions miss this?? How is it no one noticed the obvious “in your face” evidence that was there all along…now I expect that both scholars and theologians will ignore it otherwise both were wrong for a very long time…
This was written 20 years ago, before I understood most of what I know today, to get a far understanding one needs to read at least the first 4 pages on the home page.
Blessed be the Word. Blessed be Hashem. Blessed be his name.
The first 4 pages
Lanyadoo says he has irrefutable evidence of ‘intelligent Design’, that we were created by a DNA programmer not by a series of yet inexplicable accidents, by a light entity who caused ‘the big bang’ who first fashioned 4 programmable letters (DNA) from 5 elements, made up mostly of Carbon, Hydrogen, nitrogen, Phosphorus (phosphates) and… oxygen. He created complex molecules and used them as letters to program life a feat we still can’t figure out. That happened 4 billions years ago when earth was void of oxygen.
The human body is the most advanced chemical factory on earth with thousands or even millions chemical reactions at any given moment. The Human Genome is composed of 6 billion bytes, 6 billion letters written in a specific order. It is yet inexplicable, we are told we don’t yet have a theory as to how it happened by accident. But it clearly explicable if one assumes ‘intelligent design’. Life wasn’t created by amino acids, water, nor by DNA letters, life was created when someone wrote complex programs, so complex we still can’t figure them out.
Lanyadoo explains: life, the cell has at least 17 parts that were physically manufactured and programed prior to the creation of the cell, including 150,000 different protein manufacturing programs stored in our DNA, DNA is a vast library. The cell can exist without DNA for few days until replacement parts are needed. When a replacement part is needed the RNA selects the right programs from the DNA replicates them and then delivers the part to the right place. It happened 4 billion years ago, it is still The Smallest but yet the most advanced computer in the world, complete with self-charging battery and almost unlimited memory, a ‘spell check’ to correct any mistakes, programmed in advance by a creator who anticipated mistakes. Finally, it was encased in a semipermeable ‘smart’ skin/outer membrane with 100,000 antennas on it to sense the outside world and respond. It suggests that the biggest organ, the outer membrane decides on a course of action, it manages the cell.
The cell, the building block of life has not evolved in 4 billion years. Our body is made up of 100 trillion cells, Nano computers with our entire programming ready to do any required job, who somehow communicate with each other. What evolves is the programming stored within DNA. An ameba has 6 million bytes of information while humans has 6 billion bytes of information both are stored in the same cell. Cell means Sal or Basket. Our bodies programs are so complex that doctors specialize in one part of the body and they still know very little. Accident or design?
We need to understand that chemicals don’t have will power, they could not and did not combine ‘spontaneously’ to create life, complex programs created life. Programs that we have yet to understand written before creation by the most advance computer ever created, that was created 4 billion years ago that uses 4 letters (ours is 2 letters). I guess nature decided to skip 2 letters…To be clear someone had to write programs before life was created, someone had to manufacture 17 different part and then encase it all in smart skin with 100,000 antenaes on a space so small we cant see it. (our head has about 100,000 hairs). the cell has rechargable battary and a spell check to make sure there are no mistakes.
The basic assumption that life, the cell was created by accident is baseless, lots of evidence of evolution, evolution is a fact, but no evidence of billions of accidents to support accidental evolution or creation. No evidence how DNA programs were written by accident. It is self-evident by the complexity of the cell and by the fact that it happened only once and never again in 4 billion years, that life wasn’t created by accident. The fact that we don’t have a Theory of accidental creation is because life was created by intelligent design. The theory of accidental creation through ‘mutation’ (inexplicable major programs rewrites) is problematic because in laboratory experements mutants reverted back to type or didn’t reproduce. Today Hiroshima population is perfectly normal…There too mutants didn’t reproduce.
Having said that, I acknowledge I am not offering new facts, I am offering new conclusions, I am suggesting that the complexity of life lets us conclude it was by design…I am suggesting that when one sees complex designs one must assume there is a designer. I acknowledge though that it is just my opinion which doesn’t constitute a proof.
My proof that there is a creator, a programmer is within thought, within how language was structured. Language is after all what makes us human.
We are able to speak because approximately 300,000 years ago language appeared as if of nowhere, our DNA programmer first reprogrammed 4 organs and then installed new creation system Hebrew letters and their meanings in our DNA, he gifted us his creation tool, the ability to combine and rearrange letters/words/pictures, the ability to be ‘as gods’, to imagine, to create worlds in our minds. That’s when we became human, that’s when we became A-DAM meaning God-Blood. Adam then combined letters/pictures to create words, ‘and whatsoever the Adam would call every living creature, that was to be the name thereof.’ That’s how Hebrew was created.
Lanyadoo continues: It has been shown scientifically that the subconscious reads letters not words.
NYU Professor Alec Marantz has shown that the brain looks at each word as a sentence. To demonstrate this he used MEG that looked at brain waves. In his findings he reported, ‘We would see the same pattern of brain activity within a word as within a sentence, though more compressed in time.” Professor Marantz findings point to a real and specific place in the brain (an app) programmed to break down words into letters.
Hebrew is uniquely qualified because each letter is actually a word. Each word then is a sentence.
Consider a few examples. The word confound is can fe anad, which literally means here mouth knotted In Hebrew.
Likewise, the word speech in English demonstrates how each letter is read by the subconscious. The component sounds within the word, S, Pe, eCh are read by the subconscious – regardless of the language – as phonemes. Translated using Hebrew letter meaning, these are S(shin=word), P(peh=mouth), ech(Ish=man). meaning word-mouth-man.
Similarly, the word Sprichst, in German means speak. The first two letters of the German word, S and P, mean word mouth in Hebrew. The remainder of the German word disguises the Hebrew.
Phosphates – po sap hot – Here-language-letters. DNA is made up of mostly phosphates
All of these words and their shared meaning spring from the Hebrew word, Sapha, meaning language or word-mouth.
Further examples of English words read through the lens of their corresponding Hebrew sounds makes it clear that those words were not created by random sounds.
ADONAI, which means God or my lord in Hebrew, contains the letters DNA because he embedded it into his creation. Using the technique described above, DN-A means judgement-God. When we say DNA, we are also saying Adonai because both are read by the subconscious as one and the same. Adonai is 3600 years old word DNA is 70 years old word…how?
Deoxy-ribonucleic, is the long name for DNA. Deoxy, like Deus means know-your-Maker. Ribon-Cl means ruler-everything.
The following are but few examples of the 3000 words accumulated through the author’s work. Only a god with the ability to access our minds remotely (our hard drive) can achieve this.
• Alternative: elter Native means change-path in Hebrew
• Evidence: evide-nce means facts-carries
• Say: sah means Converse
• Was: az means in-past/then
• Date: da et means Know-assigned-time
Euphemism yafeh mishem prettier than its name
Euphoria yafeh or Ya pretty light god.
• Hebrew: he-bara means It-Created, the word Evri means crosser, but Hebrew morphed to It Created’
• Ossicles are the smallest three bones in the body, which convert vibration to sound. Ossi-cle means Voice-maker in Hebrew.
Artery: awir tery means fresh Air
Air: Awir in Hebrew
• Ve-in: bo ain means in-it none (oxygen). (Also the origin of the word vain person.)
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Believe ba lev means In-heart. Lobby (lev) means also Heart (of the building). Live love also uses the LV letters.
I Love you is read by the subconscious as ‘I heart you’.
Accident or design?
Mr. Lanyadoo’s linguist ‘skeletal evidence’ is Over 3000 decoded English words using Hebrew letter meanings, ‘the writing of god’ which cannot possibly be accidental, 3000 words is the vocabulary of people who speak English as their second language (me), college graduates possess about 10,000-word vocabulary. The Hebrew language, the bible total vocabulary is 10,000 words. 3000 new and old decoded words and formulas constitutes irrefutable linguistic proof that human language was programmed.
As the chart shows, the ‘writing of god’ is actually Latin letters which are about identical to ancient Hebrew letters and no one noticed? Hebrew letters where changed to Aramaic letters and ancient Hebrew was reintroduced as Latin. It explains why Hebrew writing is designed for left handed, the programmer planned all along, when he created Hebrew letters that they would eventually be called Latin written in reverse which is designed for right handed to accommodate most world population including Israelis.
All formulas, ‘permanent words’ needed to be written ’in the writing of god’ and it needed to be a secret. Mc2 or CMC is how the sun (cmc -shemesh) makes energy, it needed to be hidden until God gave it to Einstein. That is the true reason why Einstein used C instead of L for the speed of Light(I am not suggesting Einstein knew about it)….it needed to spell the Hebrew word Sun CMC and it needed to be hidden.
When a child is 2 years old, he learns the words sun and water. When he is 10, he finds out they are formula.
The Hebrew words water and sun, MYM and SheMeSh (c m c in consonantal Hebrew), are actually the formulas h2o=hoh (2hydrogens). M represent hydrogen in Hebrew (mym), and mc2 =cmc represent the word sun in Hebrew. The letter shin (C) has a value of 300 and the speed of light is 300,000 in km. M represent Hydrogen in both the words sun and water. Shemesh cmc describes how the sun makes energy.
Oxygen means Garden-maker. It is represented by the letter Yod (yhwh) in MYM. Yhwh (10+5+6+5) has the numerical value of 26. Oxygen has 2 orbits of 2-6.
If language is prerecorded (as it is in all other organisms who don’t need to learn it), why do we need to learn it?
When god created language – a creation tool that uses letter combinations like our computers but literally light years better – he created letters first and then combined them into words. When we learn new language (confounded Hebrew), we are simply learning different letter arrangements, and different accents, and slightly different way of describing something. The letter meanings, however, are the same in all languages.
Often times, the words don’t sound similar because, much like a crossword puzzle, the ‘new’ words in different languages (like English) express the same thing differently. Madrih means guide in Hebrew. Guide or ga-yad means touch-hand. This demonstrates how language was confounded.
Once god confounded language, he had to make sure every new word is correct in Hebrew so as not to confuse the subconscious. He was then named the Word and was in charge of every new word uttered.
It is said the angels were taught Torah before creation. It follows that what they were taught was how to write code in order to help god write programs for the billions of organisms on earth.
We were all programmed to speak Hebrew with different accents and altered expression.
Program broken down into its sounds, perio Garam, means its fruit caused.
Mr Lanyadoo believes the evidence is a proof positive that there is a god who is ‘running the show’.
Who then are those gods? They are the authors of the ToRah, the Egyptian gods Tho and Rah, the gods of moon and sun. Though their name is in the title, and though the Egyptians claimed the book of Tho was lost, and though the Torah appeared as if from nowhere, not one of our ‘experts’ noticed. This finally explains why the Torah God, the Moon god specified all Hebrew holidays based on moon year. Shabat means Sat-Tho in Hebrew. Tho, the last Hebrew letter, means ThoughT(Thoth). Ra the 20 Hebrew letter means Light (Ray). ToRah means Thought in Light, which is how matter was created. When you read my website it is clear the ‘experts’ know very little, not because they are stupid but because god ‘blocked’ their mind(wirelessly). It’s all just interactive computers talking to each other.
The subconscious records everything we do and think! It is info which we can’t retrieve! But god has full access!
Torus energy field seems to run the universe
Nature appears to rely on one core recurring pattern to evolve life at every scale – the Torus. It is a donut shaped energy vortex that you can see everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond.
The torus is god’s way of creating and sustaining life and it can serve as a template for sustainability. Knowledge of the pattern is already helping us better understand the nature of the “unified field.”
Torah is the program, Torus is the life sustaining energy…both are the names of god.
Nature created earth and the universe
Surprisingly I found out that I am in agreement with evolutionists NaTuRe created everything. NTR in consonantal Hebrew means Guardians, NTR is also the collective name of the Egyptian creator gods. The three creator gods Noon who created DNA (D.N..A means Know Noon God) and his sons Tho who did the bidding of Rah obviously wrote ThoRah. I guess it’s not so obvious that the Egyptian gods of moon and sun wrote the Torah, took it from the Egyptian by force and gave it to the Hebrews. No? No one noticed the book of Tho disappeared and the Torah appeared. the name ToRah is the name of the two most important Egyptian gods? Can’t be, Can it? All the studying of ancient Egypt and Torah and no one noticed? No one noticed that the Gods of thought and Light (To-Rah) called their book ‘thought in light’ which is how matter was created. Scientists see the trees not the forest. Just programming ‘the balance of nature’ who eats who, must be even harder than writing life giving programs
The Torah confirms that Aliens were here.
The Torah repeats the Sumerians claims that there were Aliens flying around in space ships. In all likelihood they were the ones helping god. The word Al-ien means, God-See. The Torah says that the Nefilim (meaning ‘those who fell from the sky’ in Hebrew from the Hebrew and English word na-Fall), the Aliens, were hovering in a space-ship looking down at the Israelites, this was done once. They are more than likely secretly supplying mana and other food. They were traveling with the people of Israel hidden ‘in a cloud’ that accompanied the people of Israel…God’s magic just high tech.
Numbers13:33 And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak (annanki), who come of the Nephilim; and they were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.'
The description actually suggests that the ‘aliens’ Ananki were pretty high up in a spaceship. When the people of Israel looked up at the aliens, our forefathers, who actually look like us but appeared to look like grasshoppers because of the distance. Moses confirms it by saying that the people of Israel looked like grasshopper to the aliens as well, suggesting that both the aliens and the people of Israel look the same.
This understanding, the idea of flying and space ships is fairly new, without it there is no way to understand what it says: The basic interpretation of this sentence missed the whole point.
And so we were in their sight — is explained as ‘An hyperbole, signifying that the Anakims looked down upon them with the utmost contempt’.
Actually, when read in context, Moses wasn’t referring to the incident as a scary one but rather as momentous and fun. The Anakim were God’s helpers, the protectors of Israel who were waving hello. The Ananki moved from Sumer meaning Guardian to Egypt the land of NTR which also means Guardian in Hebrew.
All the myths are true history not made up stories, all were written by the same god
Blessed be the Word, Blessed be Hashem, Blessed be his Name.