This was written 20 years ago, since then I have added a lot more words, a lot more science. A lot more of it is in the main article.
“In the Beginning was the WORD”, DNA Letters, Were the Beginning of Life.
“And the word was with God”, God thought about it.
“And The Word Was God”. God Wrote DNA Progrms to Rule over Us.
Though this is scientifically correct description of the beginning of life. This couldn’t have been understood until 70 years ago, with the discovery of DNA.
There then are 2 separate conclusions: 1- the church was wrong the Word is DNA letters not Jesus, but in all fairness, no one could have understood it because it was before the discovery of DNA. Who knew or could even imagine physical letters that created everything?
2- God wrote or rather telepathically dictated the book to John because there is no way that John knew about DNA.
It's a Christian dilemma. The word Dilemma or Du Lama means Duel whys, 2 questions.
It reminds me of the time in Israel when a thief stole a bag and found a bomb in it, he reported it to the police, they didn’t know if to jail him or give him a medal. I am telling Christians that they misunderstood the bible (I tell Jews and Muslims the same thing) for the past 2000 years, but it’s certain the book was written by God because there is no way John knew about DNA. This validates the New Testament as ‘the writing of god’ … I am willing to bet the church will never accept this scientific rather than some magical explanation of creation.
The Original Proto Language, the bases of all languages Are Hebrew Letters Meanings.
What it’s All About
I was shocked in disbelieve when I was explained that God is not a magician or miracle worker but a real singular Light entity, the head scientist among other Light entities, the creators of Matter, DNA letters and DNA programs. DN-A means Judgement-God in Hebrew. DNA is Actually the name of the God aDoNAi. If one believes in God and believes he created everything, one must accept that God didn’t create us by magic but by writing DNA programs, that God is a scientist.
This is the crossroads where science and theology finally meet
God who describes himself as intense Light entity created life by writing all DNA programs. This is confirmed by people with near death experience who all describe God as intense white Light. The word Light is from the Hebrew Lahat meaning Intense-Flame. Later, much later around 440,000 years ago ‘they’, more advanced race, the sons of God who later married the daughters of man, landed here, and changed our DNA. Cro-Magan-On means Called-From-Garden-An, he is represented by the letter Noon the 14th Hebrew letter (the head light entity) who we Call oNe-An but aren’t aware of it. The words kNow, Now and No are named after him. No is from the Hebrew Aino meaning Not-Here. Again, unless one knows the Sumerian myth that claims that the God Anu-Noon created us and then was bored with his creation and left, one can’t decode those words.
The name Homo sapiens or Safian, means Possess-Speech. decoded by letter meaning is: Word-Mouth-Man in Hebrew. How is it even possible that Hebrew a Semitic language makes up English and all other Hindu-European languages and no one noticed? How can the Hindu language made up of hebrew? Impossible! How could the above words and 3000 other such words have Hebrew meanings? And if it’s true, how is it possible that I am the only that noticed? Actually, I am not the only one to ever say that. 740 years ago, a Kabbalist named Abulafia said that God created all languages, by rolling Hebrew letters (creating different words) he also said that there is scientific knowledge in the word like in nature. I guess I am not the first one to came up with this strange idea, but I am the only one who can prove it. Like Abulafia, and others including Einstein and Tesla who made great discoveries, all claim they saw it pictorially in their mind’s eye. I too saw it in my mind’s eye on a light screen with arrows connecting Hebrew and English. The proof ‘Just came to me pictorially’.
The next day I began trying to decode English and other languages using HEBREW LETTER MEANING. 30 years later I still say: Not an easy task, thinking in one language while trying to understand another isn’t natural.
One might ask: Came from where? But none of us ever ask this. We all know it comes from the subconscious, but we don’t stop to think who is running our subconscious who is sending us complete thoughts? We are now told it comes from the Pineal Gland.
The pineal gland is now recognized to be the Inner Eye, but it was named Pineal because it looks like a Pine. Pnai-El means Face-God in Hebrew. Ossicles are 3 smallest bones in the body, so they were called Small-Bones. Ossi-cle, but it means Voice-Maker in Hebrew. The ossicles convert vibration to sound, they are voice makers. As it turns out, every part of the body was named based on how it looked but when decoded in Hebrew it describes its functions. As one keeps reading there are many more such examples in this article. It’s a language only a god can create, it’s also a shortcut to learning.
Blessed be the Word, Blessed be Hashem, blessed be his Name
It ought to be clear that if I am right, it will turn the religious and scientific world upside down. It seems no one considered the possibility that God is a scientific light entity. If I can prove we were created by a DNA computer, then it will prove that all our experts, religious and scientific are wrong. It stands to reason that my work will be ignored by scientists and religious leaders alike. Ignored but never Criticized by anyone. Based on the evidence presented here Everything they learned and teach is wrong. This is a scientific not esoteric spiritual prove that there is a god. After 40 years in the school of God, I was told to write it all down, so I did. I didn’t look for God because I didn’t believe there is a God . I could have never figured any of this out on my own.
This website will reveal who is God, who wrote the ToRah and all other religions and myths, and finally who bestowed/programmed Language in humans. That happened app 400,000 years ago when Australopithecus roamed the land. In other words. Chapter 2 in genesis starts 440,000 years ago, when Homo-sapiens (speaking man in Hebrew) was created by reprogramming Australopithecus, creating Cro-Magnon (us) who we are told appeared out of Nowhere with language and other human behavior like burying their dead.
Light entities who created us landed here and changed our DNA. Cro-Magan-On= Called-From-Garden-An-Noon (the head light entity) who was assigned the number oNe-An. The name Homo sapiens or Safian in Hebrew, means Able-Speak. means then Word-Mouth-Man in hebrew. How is it even possible that Hebrew a Semitic language is actually English? How could those and 3000 other words have Hebrew meanings? And how is it possible that I am the only one that noticed? I am the only one who came up with the stupid idea of decoding language using HEBREW LETTER MEANING
With the advancement of DNA research Scientists recently concluded that life was created by intelligent design 4 billion years ago.
"None of the theories Protein first, DNA first or RNA first are able to explain the origin of complex information required for life. The first cells had to have both complex proteins and complex information needed to replicate both the proteins and the information.
Sefer Yetizira, The book of formation/Manufacture 2/2 “Twenty-two foundation letters: He ordained them (decided on them), He hewed them (shaped them), He combined them (created complex molecules called DNA letters), He weighed them (made sure they are correct), He interchanged them (wrote programs with them). And He created with them the whole creation and everything to be created in the future. God created physical letters, he created complex molecules which he used to program all life. He created with them the whole creation and everything to be created in the future. It is true that those same letters were used to create everything. ‘Everything created in the future’ suggests that we too will be able to write programs in the future, but we too will use those same letters. This was written thousands of years ago…. This is clear explanation of physical creation of DNA but it could only be understood in the 21st century after the discovery of DNA which was named so by aDoNAi.
John 1;1 explains creation: 'in the beginning was the word' God came up with a system of creation called the Word, letter combinations not Jesus, who by the way was never called the Word in the entire Bible. Why would god call him the word here? God then thought about it 'And the word was with god. He finally wrote the programs for each organism that defines/'programmed their behaviors and how they look, and how they produce. The DNA programs limit and control our behavior, they are 'gods over us'…'and the Word was god'! why would god call Jesus the word? He never calls him the word? Couldn’t he say ‘In the beginning was Jesus? But it is the first sentence in John and the church felt obligated to explain it. Whoever wrote this knew about DNA and we know John didn’t know anything about DNA.
Actually, the Book of Formation, Sepher yetzira 2/2 and John 1;1are describing creation of physical letters something that we couldn’t even imagine until the discovery of DNA. The book of formation/manufacture closes by saying that all life programs now and in the future will use those letters to create life
The bible says Earth was created after 2 God days, the Hindu Mahabharata says one god day is 4.3 billion years. 2 god days is then 8.6 billion years. This is according to 2 very old books. Science confirmed it recently by claiming erth was created 8.6 billion years after the big bang.
Evolution is a religion not science, it’s based on the belief that there is no god which therefore means everything must have been accidental. I too thought this way, how can there be god? The world is unjust and even cruel so how can there be a god. Guess what? There is a God, and the world is unjust by design! We are all souls, light entities in the image of God ( that’s what genesis chap 1 actually says) who enter a body temporarily and then return to god on ‘the boat of Rah’ on a Ray of light. Which many who had ‘near death’ experience confirm.
H2O and MC2 spell Water and Sun in Hebrew.
MC2=CMC Shin.Mem.Shin spells SheMesh, Sun in Hebrew. The speed of Light is 300,000 km per second and the value of the letter Shin is 300. The letter M stands for Maiman-hydrogen. Einstein simply spelled out the Hebrew word SUN with a formula that measures how much energy is released by the hydrogen atom. This way 2 years old learn that CeMeCe means Sun and at the age of 12 he will learn it’s the formula for how the sun makes energy. This kind of language can only be written by god. That’s the real reason Einstein ‘decided’ to go with C for the speed of light. I am not suggesting Einstein knew it. I am suggesting he received it from subconscious that whispered in his ear “use C because light is Constant’.
H2O is 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen. The Hebrew word for water is MyM written with 2 Hydrogens-M. The O is the Y in MYM the Yod representing Yhwh. O is the 8th Element and it’s built with 2 orbits of 2 and 6 electrons. Yhwh sacred number, the total sum of the letters is 26 or 2-6. The book of Tho, Torah was a series of formulas that were converted to words.
Accident or design? That is the question.
To put it in perspective:
God created plants that use co2 and excrete Oxygen first. Later, he created All organisms that use Oxygen and excrete Co2 to survive… ‘According to science’ it couldn’t have been by design, it clearly points to lucky set of accidents.
The human body according to science is programmed with 6,000,000,000 letters that are written in specific order. The King James Version which includes the old and new Testaments has around 3,000,000 letters. The massive Mahabharata is written with app 20,000,000 letters Our DNA is equal to 2000 different bible stories!! 2000 different stories all the length of the bible written one after the other without any mistakes which science claims happened by a series of accident. I think they are smoking the ‘bad’ stuff. Our entire DNA programs are written in 3 letter combinations only in every one of the billion organisms. The 6 billion letters are written in every cell of the 20 trillion cells that communicate with each other.
Our body has 37,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chemical reactions PER SECOND. This number is so big it’s incomprehensible to us humans. Which our geniuses insist was due to accidents. The obvious conclusion ought to be that it had to be by design, that the human body is simply the most advanced chemical factory on earth. But I am obviously wrong saying all the ‘smart’ ones who go ‘by the science’. But as I will show here, they are using made up science, expressing opinions as fact. So all linguists, evolutionists and religious leaders are wrong? Yup! Is what god told me.
Those are the facts! This is the science! When entering university, they are told at least indirectly that there is no god, who they claim is ‘based on science’. Scientists claim that random accidental misfiring, miss-sequencing of DNA wrote human DNA as well as the DNA of billion other organisms! Evolutionists are brazened enough to claim that dinosaurs became birds evidenced by the fact that their programming are similar, not one dinosaur but all of them. The fact that there are no missing links between dinosaurs and bird doesn’t bother them. The only reasonable explanation is that the dinosaurs hired a programmer before they went extinct. Or maybe, just maybe god changed their programming and created birds, that’s why we don’t see bad mutations or missing links.
Ask Gates, ask Musk, ask Cook, ask the experts if this is possible, that nature wrote 2000 bible size stories one after the other by a series of accidents. Their mantra is ‘over time’, it’s not like nature has a computer that tries every possible combination, we are talking about accidents that supposedly wrote billion programs by DNA miss programming, miss-sequencing. The scientists say it happened by accidental mutation. The science says permanent mutations couldn’t have happened. The science says that the cell creator anticipated this and programmed a ‘spell check’ that corrects all mistakes. Yes, there are mutations and mutants, but their programming is corrected by the second generation. Hiroshima had many mutations but today her population of 600,000 is perfectly normal. Second generation either didn’t reproduce or reverted to type, at least that’s what scientists says. Hiro-Shima means They-Will-Shoot-There in Hebrew. Hiroshima means Wide-Island in Japanese and was so named around 150 years ago. God knew? If so, the event was planned long, long time ago. It seems clear to me that the facts don’t confuse our ‘evolutionists’. The science says mutations didn’t create anything, but the scientists say it was by accidental mutations. Of course, we believe the scientists not the science, we believe Rabbis and priests who tell us what ‘god meant to say’ not what God actually says.
It’s clear case of ‘the blind is leading the blind’. It is said that one eyed man can be king in the land of the blind. Scientifically speaking we are in the land of the blind. Our eyes see in 2 dimensions and upside down, ‘luckily’ the subconscious is supposed to reverse the picture and extrapolate a 3-dimensional figure which is what we finally see, otherwise we would be a mess, seeing everything in 2 dimension and upside down would have ended us as a race. In short, we see what the subconscious wants us to see. As we see later, the subconscious is god’s computer. Elon Musk might be right, he says that the chances are million to one that this entire world is not matrix. Einstein said, ‘god doesn’t play dice with the universe’, and Shakespeare said it best ‘the whole world is a stage, and we are just actors in it’. But let’s face it what do they know? How dare I speculate everything was planned when our ‘experts’ insist it was all by accidents. If I am wrong, at least, I am in good company.
The difference between God and university professors is that god doesn’t walk around pretending to be a university professor
This guy was teaching his kids about evolution and how we came from monkeys. The kids then went to the mother and asked if it’s true that we came from monkeys. Yes, answered the mother, it’s true about your father's side of the family.
At the age of 15, Albert Einstein, a self-proclaimed visual thinker, imagined riding a ray of light. According to his memoirs this virtual reality experience helped him decide that light cannot travel faster or slower because, he reasoned, if it did he would be able to see himself arriving.
Einstein was then able to write the most important formula E = MC2. This famous formula measures the amount of energy in matter. That is, if matter (atoms) explodes it will release energy equal to its atomic number (weight) times the speed of light squared (times itself). E = energy, C = speed of light, and M = mass. MC2 could also be written as CMC = Shemsh = Sun
I came across Einstein’s famous formula purely by accident.
I had a poster of Albert Einstein hanging in my study, with his famous formula written at the bottom. One day I decided to substitute Hebrew letters for the ones Einstein had selected “at random.” It first spelled out MEM-SHIN-SHIN, and then SH-M-SH-. I immediately recognized the word SHEMESH שמש meaning SUN. I quickly saw the connection between the formula and the sun. The sun’s method for creating Energy is by exploding the Hydrogen atom.
In a flash I recognized the fact that the speed of light in Kilometers (300,000) = C, and the Hebrew letter SHINש both have the same numerical value of 300, while the letter M corresponds to the first letter of the Hebrew word for hydrogen, MAYMAN(derivative of the word MAYM), which is the same element the sun splits to create its light energy. Einstein’s formula spelled out the word SUN- SHEMESH-, in Letters Meaning and Numbers - this famous formula has been there within the WORD for at least 3600 years.
Lucky Einstein chose C or Shin the Hebrew letter that means Light, for the speed of light instead of L the English letter for Light. Or was that luck?
SUN SHIN Anglo Saxon SUNNE - akin to ice.
LIGHT LAHAT Anglo-Saxon LEHITAN – shine.
I personally find the implication by Webster that the words SUN and ICE were confused as a bit naive if not ludicrous.
The word LIGHT was derived from the Hebrew word LAHAT meaning FLAME. The dictionary accredits the word to the Anglo-Saxon word LEHITAN meaning to undoubtedly derived from the Hebrew LAHAT.
HY-DRO-GEN means WAS THE GENERATION OF THE GARDEN in Hebrew. Indeed the Hydrogen atom was the first one to fill the universe. The dictionary tells us it was created from the word HYDROR meaning water and GEN for generation.
H2O -Water
H2O is the only other scientific formula I know that of water H20(Meaning 2 atoms of hydrogen attached to one atom of Oxygen), which I read as HOH. I replaced the H for hydrogen for the Hebrew letter M מ which stands for MAYMAN (meaning Hydrogen in Hebrew). It spelled out the Hebrew word WATER מים, M-Y-M. Numerically water is 10 electrons which is the value of the letter Yod which stand for Yhwh.
This strange element that all life is made up from was according to the Torah present before creation: werouh elohim emrahphet all penai hamaym. “and the spirit/wind (viabration energy) of god was hovering upon the water. While “wehosheh all preh Tehom “darkness over a dark Tehom” “darkness over a black hole”.
There are 4 Hebrew words for Rain: Yoreh, Malkosh (first and last rains), Geshem and Mattar.
The Hebrew word GESHMI-גשמי has two separate and seemingly unconnected meanings, GESHMI גשמי means RAIN and MATTER, depending on how it is used in a sentence. This implies that the writers of the language believed everything was created from water. A linguist investigating language using a standard “broken telephone” method would conclude that the Hebrew word GESHMI, defined in the Hebrew dictionary as MATERIALIZE sound so different from the English word MATTER. This then means that in both Hebrew and English suggest Rain, MATTAR created the world…as strange as it sounds…Water was there from the beginning when in chapter 1 verse 2 it says and the darkness was over the abyss (black hole) and the spirit (rouh-wind-vibration) of ELOHIM or ELHAYAM, God of Ocean was hovering over the water…
To understand the connection between these two words we need to first know that the Hebrew word GESHMI is from the word GESHEM, meaning RAIN, and MATTAR מטר. Is from the Hebrew word Mattar meaning Rain. Once the connection between these two words is made, it easy to conclude that one word for RAIN, GASHMI, was used to express MATTER in the Hebrew language while the other word for RAIN, MATTAR was used to express the same thing in the English language. This was done by design in order to express the same thing in both languages and at the same time to hide that fact. Additionally, and not less importantly, the understanding that both the Hebrew and English words for MATTER originate from the Hebrew RAIN/WATER supports the meaning of the word for God, ELOHIM-אל ה ים as being GOD OF OCEAN, SEA.
The English word RAIN is from a third word meaning RA-IN in Hebrew, YORAY-יורה. YOREY-AIN = RAIN SEE (EYE). The rule that vowels don’t count is at work here. The YO (a vowel) was dropped and the AIN meaning SEE was added. RAIN is listed as having Middle English and Anglo-Saxon origins.
The word for RAIN and MATTER and the understanding of the word EL HYAM אל הים- E.L.H.M as GOD of SEA, implies that God made everything MATERIALISED (rain) from water. This corresponds to the various mythologies that claim that we were created from water.
The Torah also claims that god created the world from water. Torah is likened to water…if one takes out the Wa a vowel, in Water one gets…Torah…the gods To and Ra. The word Ear-Th is made up of To and Ra.
O - Oxygen From Greek OXYS meaning acid, GENNAN meaning Generate corresponds to the Hebrew letter Y = YOD = י (Yhwh) in H2O MYM. OXYGEN עושה גן means MAKER GARDEN in Hebrew. Indeed oxygen is the “maker” of the garden we call Earth. The oxygen atom is made up of 8 electrons, in two orbits, the first orbit is made up of 2 electrons and the second has 6 which can be expressed as 26. This corresponds to the numerical value of the word Y.H.W.H = 26.
A language constructed in a way that combines a formula within a word, is a major short-cut in learning. It had to have been by a superior intelligence rather than a series of accidents. I contend that there is even more sophisticated information entwined within these words, information we will be able to retrieve later on in our future once we begin to understand the value of THE WORD.
I found some parallels between Einstein’s discovery and mine. Semantics and the speed of light were once thought to be variable. Hebrew Picture/Letters/words like the speed of light are constant! Both defy the laws of nature. No unspoken language has ever survived to be revived 2000 years later. Consequently Hebrew meaning remained unchanged. Even ancient words such as SUN and WATER, words that must have existed from the earliest time, were already programmed with information that will be discovered at the right time in our spiritual evolution.
I often remember something that was "whispered" in my ear; “Study the sameness.” It does not matter what the subject is, just to identify the same in every structure, every story, and every analogy. I am amazed at how relevant this is to the understanding of the universal language theory. It can also be used as a method to see the oneness in life. I shortened this rule to a slogan, the HASHEM (THE WORD) is the SAME. The Hebrew decipher of SAME זהה עם= ZEH EM = IDENTICAL WITH.
Oxygen is the single most important chemical in the creation of the garden we call Earth.
ATOM OR Attom means HERMETICALLY CLOSED. From the Greek word ATOMUS meaning indivisible. This 2,600 year old word was the name given to what later we called Atom, because we, in modern time thought that we found that illusive particle, so named but never seen by the Greeks of old. Today it is a known fact that an atom has many small parts in it, which is what I am suggesting about a word…it has letters making the original intended Greek word wrong. It also makes the way we look at language wrong. The building blocks of language, the atoms of language if you will are Letters not words.
The Hebrew meaning of HERMETICALLY CLOSED, is still accurate and will always be true about the properties of the ATOM as it true about the properties of the Hebrew letters. One final point to be made here is that the discovery of the ATOM and the fact that it is hermetically closed is a modern discovery, while the Hebrew word ATOOM appears in the Bible. Which then means that the Greek word with the correct Hebrew meaning lay hidden for 2,600 years waiting for us to discover the hermetically closed ATOM.
MASS, AMASS עמס מאס means A LOAD, or MELTED DOWN. From the Greek word MAZA meaning a barley cake.
ENERGY deciphers to אין רגיעהNO REST (CONSTANT ACTION). The dictionary cites a Greek word ENERGES meaning active. And since everything VIBRATE it transliterate as BARA ET meaning CREATED EVERYTHING. The Big Bang started with a vibration of that very dense and very small matter.
MOTION means MI SHIN meaning FROM THE WORD, shin means change in Hebrew.
The big bang theory claims that the universe was created when one infinitely small and infinitely heavy body exploded to create all MATTER. This theory is embodied in the Hebrew word for creation BERESHITברא שית .
The name of the first word in the Hebrew Torah, like the name of that book is BERESHIT. This word more than any other is unique, it appears as the first word in the book of Bereshit/Genesis. The book of Bereshit was translated to Genesis in the title and IN THE BEGINNING in the text. The word GAN = GARDEN, and the word GENE are one and the same. BE-GIN as I wrote earlier, means IN GARDEN. Both meanings describe Earth as a Garden. The word GENESIS is from the Greek word GIGNESTHAI meaning to be born which interestingly translates as HAGIG NESTHA הגיג נעשתה meaning in Hebrew BY THOUGHT YOU WERE MADE.
The word BERE-SHIT ברא שית is made up of BERA ברא meaning TO CREATE as in the English word BEAR a child. The word SHIT שית meaning SHEET, thus Bible’s big bang, BERESHIT means CREATED FABRIC.
The word BARA ברא has a special meaning in Hebrew. It in effect describes creation that generally starts through the union of two cells becoming one and its eventual division into billions of different cells that together make up a whole creation. It is the way each of us is BOR-N (CREATED in Hebrew). This Hebrew word is made up of two consonants. The first being B -ב pronounced as BETH meaning HOUSE or UNIT (booth). The second letter is R - ר pronounced as RESH which means ALL UNIVERSAL MATTER (all the B in the universe). Its meaning is easier to comprehend from the meaning of the English letter AR that we have demonstrated earlier as meaning LIGHT, ENERGY in Hebrew, the true makeup of universal matter.
The third letter in the word BARA is ALEPH which means GOD. The words BE-RE-SHIT ב-ר-א when taken together mean ONE UNIT (B =ב ) exploded and created UNIVERSAL MATTER (R = ר) by GOD (A = א) which created THE FABRIC OF THE UNIVERSE (SHEET). The word SHEET שית confirm this since it is made up of the consonant SHIN meaning Light energy and TAV meaning thought or SIGN or LETTER. In other words the fabric of the universe is made up of the combination of ENERGY and VIBRATION.
The word BERESHIT is the shortest, most eloquent manner of expressing the big bang theory. The fabric of the universe SHEET, was created by the explosion of the one body (B) creating in the process the entire universal matter (R). It appears appropriately as the first word in the Torah, and it is never used again. This is a good example to show how information is stored within the word. Until recently we could not have understood the theory of creation, nor the true meaning of the word BERESHIT.
We now know that the ‘inner eye’ is the PINEAL gland. This is a fairly recent discovery. Did the designator of the name of the gland know exactly what it was when it was named? No. Why was it named PINEAL? I found out that PINEAL is from the Latin word for PINE, and was so named because it looks like a pine-cone. So, you might ask what does this have to do with the third eye? The answer is that the names given in Latin have nothing to do with the function of the gland. This gland, like many other parts of the body, was named based on its appearance and not its function.
The Hebrew decipher is applied though, it reveals that these parts are then defined based on function. In Hebrew, the word PINE-AL פני אל means FACE OF GOD. Which fits correctly to today’s understanding of this important gland, but could not have been known when originally named. This process of naming must have involved telepathy, otherwise this and other names could not accidentally have Hebrew meanings that precisely describe their function. How many more words hold secrets that we will discover in the future? Can we use this system to reduce the discovery period of new information?
The language centers in the brain are in the COR-TEX קורא טקס = TEXT READER but it was named based on the way it looks not its function. The word CORTEX is named from the Latin word CORTECIS meaning tree bark. The Hebrew word KORA means A THICK LOG, generally a tree trunk, is no doubt the basis for the Latin word.
The GANGLIA are nerve centers within the cortex. People with more ganglia seem to be more intelligent. The size of Einstein’s cortex was double that of an average human’s. The Hebrew word GAN-GLIA גן גליה= GARDEN OF DISCOVERY. My dictionary indicates that the origin of the word is Greek GANGLION meaning tumor, again describing how it looks rather than its function. Is this magic Or telepathy?
The scientific terms DNA and RNA are confusing for most people. One is the genetic information and the other is the messenger of the information. Which one does what? DNA דין א = JUDGEMENT GOD’S. This says to me that they are the building blocks of creation, programmed from above.
RNA רן א = THE SONG. RNA transmits information to and from the DNA. Of course, these words are just abbreviations of much longer words. DNA is made up of DEOXY-RIBONU-CLEIC PROTEIN while the RNA is made up of just RIBONU-CLEIC PROTEIN. To my surprise the word RIBON-UCL-EIC ריבון כל means in Hebrew MASTER OF EVERYTHING. I think this deserves a big scientific WOW! The word PROTEIN is from the Greek PROTOS meaning first, while the Hebrew meaning of PRO-TEIN is HIS FRUIT GIVES. AC-ID would then mean Esh-Da =Fire-know, or Us Da meaning Maker-Know.
Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. Veins return the de-oxygenated blood back to the heart. ARTERY אויר טרי means in Hebrew FRESH AIR. VEIN בו אין means IN IT NONE or EMPTY in Hebrew. The name ARTERY was given to it because it means WIND PIPE in Latin, but can easily be traced to the Hebrew AIR-ATER meaning AIR PLACE.
The word VEIN was given to it from the Latin VENA meaning CURRY the Hebrew equivalent would be VO-NAבו נע meaning IN IT MOVES. Finally the word VAIN sound like VEIN for a Good reason... they both means the same thing in Hebrew -EMPTY, IN IT NONE.
The word VEIN according to Webster is from the Latin word VENA meaning to curry. The word VO-NA בו נע means WITH IT MOVES in Hebrew and is no doubt the origin of the Latin VENA.
Finally, the word VAIN is listed as coming from the Latin VENUS meaning empty obviously from the Hebrew words VO AIN בו אין meaning IN IT NONE, the same meaning as for the word VEIN. Is this a play on words.
These explanations demonstrate how language was charged with huge amounts of information that has become mixed up. It also suggests that once we teach the true origin of the words in school, then students will be able to understand the function of the various body parts by their Hebrew meaning.
Because of the way AIR and OR light are written(both with one consonant only) the English sound R can be deciphered as AWIR meaning AIR or OR meaning LIGHT. The English OR, this OR that, suggests it means Light in Hebrew. When one gives another option as might be indicated with the use of OR, one is actually shedding light on the subject.
As we have seen earlier the word AURA can be correctly translated as being AIR or LIGHT, neither translation would be wrong.
Of Course Awir is the origin of the English Air, while the Hebrew eR meaning awaRe.
I think the beauty of this confounding system is that each word on its own seem as almost accidental, but once we begin “to see the forest for the trees” it becomes crystal clear that this confounding method was done by an intelligence infinitely smarter than us.
The word for BONE in Latin is OSSIMA (ossification). The word for bone in Hebrew is ETZEM,(the stuff God made Eve from). The consonantal proximity of sound between the Latin and Hebrew is clear enough so as to declare the Latin word as one borrowed from Hebrew.
But the connection to the English word BONE with its Hebrew meaning of BUILDER requires a little more complicated explanation. Conventional linguists would judge these two words, BONE and ETZEM, or even BONE and OSSIMA as unrelated. After a little reading I found out that here again there is a function relationship. All the body cells are manufactured in the bones. Making the word BONE בונה = BUILDER an appropriate name. This and many such examples demonstrate the thought behind the English word BONE, the kind of thought that could not be a mere product of accident, coincidence, or a mistake of nature.
The dictionary credits the Anglo Saxon language for the word BONE meaning bone. The dictionary points out that it is also used to mean to study. Here we can readily see that the meaning of BUILDER (of the mind) is pictorially very suitable.
OSSICLES are three bones in the ear that convert vibration to voice. The Hebrew word OSSI עושה = MAKER, while the word CLE קול = CALL or VOICE. The name is then deciphered as OSSI-CLE עושה קול = VOICE MAKER. The Hebrew decipher of the word OSSICLE is the exact function of the three bones that convert vibration to sound. The word OSSICLE was given to those three bones based on their looks rather than function. The Latin meaning of those words are small bones. The Hebrew word KAL קל means light and in all likelihood is the source for the Latin word SMALL.
Finally, when we examine the Latin OSSI meaning MAKER in Hebrew. We can see that though MAKER and BUILDER are two words they have basically the same meaning, it demonstrates the divine power of the word.
Scientists have not yet been able to explain how the COCHLEA, spiral-shaped part of the inner ear, converts sound into electrical impulses. The cochlea contains the auditory nerve endings, and was named for its similarity in shape to a snail from the Latin word COCLEA. The only reasonable conclusion I can draw as to the function of this part of the ear is, that it must have a decoder in it, one that can work like Morse code, one that converts a sound into the appropriate electrical impulse that is then understood by the brain. If so, then is it possible that the genetic manipulation occurred in our past required installing a decoder in the inner ear? Amazingly, that is exactly what the word CO-CHLE-A means. It is made up of three Hebrew words כה כלי א which mean THIS TOOL GOD. The cochlea is there as the TOOL OF GOD. The Hebrew word CLI = TOOL sheds additional light on the word itself. It is made up of similar consonants as the Hebrew word CALL קול = VOICE, thus implying that VOICE is a tool for transmitting language. A decoder was installed in the ear so the brain can understand this new form of communication. This, of course, is a supposition on my part but it is one that ought to be looked into.
What do earlobes have to do with Heart? During the course of my investigation it occurred to me that one way of showing that important information was left within the language was to decipher a word then conduct research based on its Hebrew meaning to see if it can be confirmed. It sort of did happen this way.
As one can easily see the words below all contain the consonants LV meaning heart LEV לב = HEART. It is also clear that the main picture conveyed by these words has to do with the heart, either in its meaning as heart or in its accepted meaning as the important or center of things.
LOVE לב HEART Anglo Saxon LUFE meaning LOVE.
BE-LIEVE בלב IN HEART Anglo Saxon GELAFAN meaning to believe.
LOBBY לובי HEART Latin LOBIA meaning gallery.
INVOLVE עיין בלב IN HEART Latin INVOLVERE meaning to wrap up.
DE-LVE דע לב KNOW HEART Anglo Saxon DELFAN meaning to dig.
RE-LEV ANT ראה לב SEE HEART French RELEVERE meaning to lift.
EAR-LOBE HEART Latin LOBOS meaning Lower
Because linguists assume a word is the building block of language, they therefore didn’t bother looking within the word. No one noticed the commonality of the syllable LEV in each of these words. The point I am trying to make here is not about the difference in the origins of those words even though such point is worth noting. I gave the above example to show something far more important about the word LOBE as in EARLOBE. It too obviously has the sound LV and therefore the word or meaning of HEART. When I looked in the dictionary here too the origin of this word had nothing to do with the Hebrew or Latin word HEART. This was though consistent with the general method of naming a thing based on the way it looks. The science books give no better clues than the dictionary, I simply could not connect the earlobe to the heart. I was baffled that neither the dictionary nor other books could connect this word with its Hebrew meaning. I then put aside the term as one I was unable to decipher.
In August 1991, I happened across an article in Time Magazine about a ten-year long study conducted by a heart surgeon. It reported that he noticed while operating on his heart patients that many had creases in their EARLOBES. He then conducted a 10-year study trying to ascertain if there is a connection between the presence of earlobe creases and the likelihood of future heart problems. He concluded that people with creases in their earlobes are more prone to have a heart attack. He claimed that the correlation between heart attacks and creases in the earlobe has a 90% accuracy rate. The study did not draw any other conclusions.
By the way the meaning of the word CREASE is appropriate since it transliterate as CARAS קרס meaning COLLAPSE.(The same origins as cited by Webster for the word LAPSE which sound awfully close to the Hebrew LE-EFES לאפסmeaning TO ZERO).
This was very significant information for me. I felt the research results were consistent with my own private criteria of the kind of proof I needed. Here was a word that I deciphered as HEART and the appropriate expert had conducted research confirming the connection between my deciphered meaning and the function of the earlobe. Earlobes are somehow connected to COLLAPSING heart activity. Even today no one can explain it, we have managed merely to observe it. Still, the creators of language included this information within language from the outset. How many more such secrets are hidden within the word?
When deciphering I came across the word SPERM (from the Greek word SPERMA meaning seed) which just happens to sound very much like the Hebrew word SIPURIM which means STORIES or BOOKS. The word SCRO-TUM זכרו תם means MEMORY COMPLETE in Hebrew. What does all this mean?
Women are born with 400,000 eggs that are identical and do not change throughout the life of the female. To the contrary, males are not born with sperm. Only at approximately the age of 13 does the male begin producing sperm. The male sperm is perpetually changing, acting like a computer chip which constantly records new information. Scientists tell us that the sperm is recording our experiences as they occur, like a MEMORY bank. So, it makes sense to call THE SPERM by a name that means STORIES. For additional confirmation I turned to the Hebrew language and to two words I always thought to be a strange. The word for FEMALE is NEKAVA meaning the one with the HOLE or ORIFICE. The Hebrew word for MALE is ZACHAR has a second and apparently unrelated meaning MEMORY(many examples were given of this word in chap. 3). Even as a child I used to wonder, if humans really invented language why would a male dominated-society choose the word ZACHAR-MEMORY for the male of the species. It made no sense for males to decide to call themselves, MEMORY. Only a creator of language who knew the biological facts and wanted them coded within language would name males with the word ZACHAR. This validates the ability of the male to encode changes in the genetic makeup, to change and affect the future of the yet unborn humanity. He does so by encoding the memory of his own STORIES that he carries in his SPERM סיפורים.
Anglo Saxon = SAED = SEED.
The Hebrew Ye-Sod means God-Secret. The Hebrew S.D means ס Saemh=enclosed secret, Dalet = knowledge.
The fact that only male genetic memory is impacted with life experiences explains why the Torah concentrates on the education of the male. The fact that it happens at about the age of 13 might help to explain the tradition of the Bar-Mitzva, it is the celebration of the SPERM; the Jewish celebration of a boy becoming a man. The age of 13 is not when boys magically turn into men. It is the approximate time when a young man begins manufacturing SPERM. The word BAR-MITZVA means literally RESPONSIBLE TO FOLLOW THE COMMANDMENTS. The sperm is now recording the good and the bad experiences, therefore, from this point on each male person’s sins are recorded on his balance sheet; his sperm. From this age on the BAR-MITZVAed boy is recording and therefore is responsible for his own actions.
Again, this points to a very scientific understanding on part of the authors of the Bible. It also explains why only the seed is cursed or blessed in the Bible. It has sexist overtones yet, at the same time it can highlight the differences between men and women. Women are born perfect while men strive to achieve perfection through the correct imprinting in the sperm. In a real way one might even venture to define the collective physical legacy of all humans to future generations as this collective memory in the sperm. “...visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation...” Exodus 20:5. As a kind of additional circumstantial evidence to the function of the sperm I would like to point out the well-known statistic that incredibly high percentage of violent crimes are by males, indicating that it is a genetic rather than an environmental phenomenon.
Finally, understanding the SPERM as a computer chip containing the program of the future of humanity helped me better understand God’s seemingly harsh laws especially where the proscribed punishment is death. I no longer look at these laws as laws of revenge rather, they are laws of love. Yes, these laws were not designed to seek revenge on the particular individual rather to eliminate the bad seed, so to speak, from among us. If we, as a society, raise our heads a little and look forward into our future 1,000 or even 5,000 years from now we would hope to see a society void of murder and rape. We ought to eliminate those traits from humanity’s future. I believe that we will eventually be surprised to realize that the Torah contains instructions as to which genetic changes are recommended for a healthy society.
The sacrum is a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine and at the upper and back part of the pelvic cavity. In children, it consists of usually five vertebrae which begin to fuse between ages 16-18 and are usually completely fused into a single bone by age 26. The word SEKER RAM means HIGH MEMORY. Is the information hidden there? The Hindu named the process of revealing the truth by releasing the information in Sacrum: Can-dou-lini = Here.Know.My-residence. …Oops wrong end.
According to Webster the word CHROMOSOME finds its origin in the word CHROMO meaning CHROME meaning COLOR and SOME meaning BODY. It is clear the name has nothing to do with the function of CHROMOSOME, it was selected because they were discovered by coloring them. I chose here a different decipher one that appropriately explains their function. The Hebrew decipher is CHRO-MO-SOME = CALLED FROM THE WORD.
The word CHROM has clear Hebrew origins, it is a cognate to the Hebrew word CROOM which means a layered covering (like cream on top of milk) which also explains the origin of the English word CREAM. Of course, linguists would disagree with me vehemently pointing to the dictionary and the Latin word CHRISMA meaning to anoint as the source word for CREAM. CH-RISMA which deciphers as כ רושם KE-ROSHEM meaning LIKE IMPRESSION, or Like.Written.
Some might feel that this ability to pick and choose between “proper” words for deciphering is somewhat suspect. Reasoning that this then is inexact science, and I am just making thing up to suit my theory. This is only true due to the special way the Hebrew language is designed. The word ROSHEM meaning IMPRESSION, is derived from the word RASHAM (resume) רשם meaning WROTE DOWN. It is made up of the letter R, we already have shown to mean SEE and the word SHEM meaning NAME, WORD. Therefore the word RASHAM is made up of the word SEE-WORD, thus my ability to choose two seemingly different words in order to decipher the same word.
The Torah specifically tells us that God planted the laws within the priestly upper class named Cohen, the direct descendants of Moses brother Aaron. This statement would have sounded ludicrous and interpreted as merely symbolic only a few years ago. In January 1997, I came upon an article in the Jerusalem Post newspaper, written by Judy Sigal, about research conducted by Professor Skorky from Rambam Hospital, as well as the head of molecular medicine in the Israeli Technion. His colleagues in London and Arizona participated in his research. They collectively checked out 188 male Cohens and found that they all have one unique gene in common. Gene DYS 199 B was not found in anyone in the general population but was found to exist in the Y chromosome of all 188 Cohens. Both Sepharadim and Ashkenazi Jews were tested.
The questions which need to be asked now are: Why did the male Y chromosome persist and pass on this gene for at least the past 3,500 years? Why didn’t this ‘useless’ gene disappear? Is it possible that this gene contains special programming that exists only in Cohens? If so, how did it get there?
I have a feeling that the esteemed professor forgot to check the Hawaiian priests known to us as the Big Cahoona or Cohen…Of course the Name Hawaii sounds like Yhwh and is it appropriately still making land from volcanic ocean…The Samoa tribe’s name sound awfully like Shemo-A his name is A, while the other tribe, the Moriah tribe’s name sounds like Mount Moriah.
A friend of mine once commented that he never felt guilty about anything. He went on to clarify that he felt ashamed about some things but he never felt guilty. It sounded wrong to me and I wondered what the decipher reveals about these two words. The word ASHAMED is from the Hebrew word ASHEM אשם meaning GUILTY. The decipher reveals that one feels ashamed as a result of feeling guilty. I was very happy with this explanation. In truth, it was the first time I clearly understood where SHAME comes from. In other words, my friend was wrong, without the sense of guilt, shame is not possible.
In keeping with my habit of verifying words, I found the word ASSUME which has the same consonantal sound as ASHAMED and then assigned the meaning ASHAMED - GUILTY to this word. I immediately recognized that to ASSUME is to assign guilt or responsibility. The dictionary traces the word to the Icelandic word SKAM, which happens to mean blackened by coal. SKAM, the Hebrew שחמה SHIKMA has the same meaning, explaining the origin of the Anglo-Saxon word. But why would the word ASSUME spring from SCAM? Are all assumption scum?
Here is an example of a word I could only clearly understand after the Hebrew decipher was applied, EGO גאה = PRIDE, from the Latin word EGO meaning I. The English word GAY meaning HAPPY; PROUD, is also from the Hebrew GEA having the same meaning. The dictionary traces the word to German GAHI meaning lively, The Hebrew decipher then reveals that German words also find their origins in biblical Hebrew. The collective lesson those words impart is that the I, the self, is but our vanity or pride.
Gays are called Aliz in Israel, which is another name for gay. It appears in the Spanish Felise…meaning Po Aliz meaning hear Happy. It even appears in Please meaning Po Alize life Feliz and it then means With pleasure.
LIBIDO is a term used by both Freud and Jung in order to describe the activity that powers psychic energy (the more Libido energy the more the act is desired).
Freud insisted this is primarily sexual energy while Jung named it creative energy and rejected Freud’s heavy emphasis on sex. I am not a psychiatrist but if I were to use the WORD as a tool of judgement. The meaning of the word LIBIDO sides with JUNG, LIBI-DO Lev Da meaning KNOW THE HEART leans toward Jung’s explanation of LIBIDO. Scientifically speaking the explanation of the word LIBIDO as KNOWING ONE’S HEART is a good one, regardless of who is right. The amount of excitement one shows over something translates to physical changes in the rate of heartbeat, therefore knowing how the heart operates is knowing the LIBIDO. According to the dictionary the origin of the word LIBIDO is the Latin word LIBIDO meaning pleasure which is undoubtedly from the Hebrew KNOW HEART. It hints to the obvious, that happiness is a function of pleasing one’s heart not mind. Those two parts of the "I" are sometimes contradictory,